


All students in the 文理学院 have an academic advisor. 你的顾问 is a valuable resource in helping you plan your future and be successful at USA. 了解他们! 



夫人. 凯利泰勒






凯利R. 泰勒,毕业专家

夫人. Shylonda斯图尔特



(251) 460-7586




十大彩票网投平台艺术学院 & 理科学生A&S学生学术服务 Center is located 在 first floor of the Communication Building in room 120. 

的 Communication Building is located at 6021 USA Drive 南, and is building #64 在 校园地图. As you enter through the main doors, walk through the lobby and turn left into the 走廊. 的 Student Academic Services office is the first door 在 right, room 120.

▼   A&S教学支持

夫人. Sangela王








十大彩票网投平台艺术学院 & 理科学生A&S学生学术服务 Center is located 在 first floor of the Communication Building in room 120. 

的 Communication Building is located at 6021 USA Drive 南, and is building #64 在 校园地图. As you enter through the main doors, walk through the lobby and turn left into the 走廊. 的 Student Academic Services office is the first door 在 right, room 120.


我们建议您在咨询会前预约. 你可以提个建议 通过拨打A&S学生学术服务中心办公室电话:(251) 460-7233,或通过我们的门户网站在线预约. 

建议 appointments are easy to make with our online web portal, Navigate 南. 的 first time you log on to Navigate 南, you will be asked to enter some student 信息,然后才能预约. 一旦你登录了,你就可以了 be able to select the advisor and then the type of appointment appropriate for you. To 通过导航南方预约:

1. 通过 应用门户

2. 选择“学生服务及资助”

3. 选择“学生记录”

4. 选择“向南导航”

5. Once you are in Navigate 南, select "Schedule an 建议 Appointment" 在 右边.

6. 选择艺术和科学&学生学术服务中心. 然后,选择 你预约的原因. 这将允许您查看可用的顾问。 因为这个原因而预约.


All freshmen, and students in most majors at all levels in the College, must be advised 然后才能注册课程. 如果你试图在爪子上注册并找到你 have an 建议 Hold, this indicates that you must meet with your academic advisor 首先,谁能移除这个hold.

学术顾问 & 传输服务

If you are a freshman at USA, your advisor is a dedicated professional in the 学术顾问 & 传输服务.  Advisors have the expertise to get you started in the right courses at 南, and 这也是寻找学术支持资源的好方法吗. (注意,一些新生 在他们的专业部门得到建议. 这些例外是音乐,戏剧,美术, 社会工作专业.)


如果你有 选了专业,又不是大一新生, your advisor is a faculty member who has been assigned to you by the Department 提供他们的专业. 指定的指导老师将按约定与您见面 to discuss degree/major requirements and assist in choosing courses that will be needed 完成你的学位. 部门顾问通常在第一个部门分配 两周的课程. 你应该每学期和你的指导老师见面以确保 that you are making the right choices and discuss any questions or problems that you 经历了什么.

If you are not a freshman but have not chosen a major, please contact the A&年代的学生 学术服务中心. 


If you are seriously considering earning a professional health profession degree after college, like an Medical Doctor, Pharmacy, Veterinarian, or Physician's Assistant degree, the University offers dedicated advisors to help you prepare for admission 这些学位课程,无论你选择的专业. 学得更多或做得更多 约个时间,拜访一下 健康前谘询网页


学位工作 is a degree audit tool which works with all students whose Catalog (公告) year 是2012-13还是之后. 对大多数学生来说,你的目录年是学校的公告 academic year you started at USA -- if you are unsure about your Catalog year, please 和你的学术顾问谈谈.  

学位工作 will allow you to easily see how the courses you have taken are making 取得学位的进展. 它还可以让你计算你可能的未来 GPA under various scenarios, to plan your future courses, and to run "what if" scenarios to see how changing your major or minor would affect your academic progress. 

使用学位工作很容易,可以通过爪子访问. 注册主任办事处 提供了一个 用户指南 学位课程. 

Instructions on how to conduct a degree evaluation using 爪子 are available here.  

爪子 个人访问网络系统是为美国的学生和教师服务的吗. 爪子允许你 to register for classes, view your student account information, view your class schedule, 进行学位评估,做很多其他的事情. 您将使用您的 学号和密码. 


If you are considering taking courses at another college or university while still 在美国注册,请与A核实&S学生学术服务中心投保 the credits will transfer, and to get the appropriate Transient Credit Approval form.  请注意 that generally, courses in the major area of concentration cannot be taken elsewhere. 

的 Transient Credit Approval form will indicate that you are a student in good standing 在美国,我至少得2分.GPA为0),并且会列出你计划修的课程 以及同等的美国课程. 处理后, a copy of the Transient Credit Approval will be sent to you to submit with your application 给另一个机构和美国注册办公室. 这是你的责任 to ensure the Transient Credit Approval form is received by the other institution.

学生至少需要两周的时间才能拿到a&学生学术服务中心 处理临时信贷审批请求. 

After completing the course(s) at the other institution, you must request that institution to send an official transcript to USA or else the course(s) will not appear on your 美国成绩单.


学生 must apply for 毕业 at the 注册商's Office approximately 7 to 8 完成所有学位要求前的几个月. 申请截止日期 都刊登在 公告. 在申请时要交一笔费用. 

A&学生学术服务中心 does the official 毕业 check for 艺术 and 科学 majors after you apply for 毕业. 您将收到A的电子邮件&学生学术服务中心 让你到A来&S学生学术服务中心设有学术顾问 我要和你一起检查一下毕业证书吗. 这张支票也将邮寄 to your permanent address during the term prior to your last semester. 它会列出 完成学位所需的剩余课程和学时. 如果你有问题 十大彩票网投平台剩余的课程,请联系您的指导老师.

See your assigned advisor on a regular basis to avoid surprises on your 毕业 检查表.


的真相 是所有美国学生的重要信息来源. 它包含详细的信息 在很多话题上.

