
  • 十大彩票网投平台大四学生Grace Barrentine, 左, 在上了一门入门课程后,她转到了考古学专业. She also is studying biology and plans to combine her two passions by becoming an underwater archaeologist.
    An anthropology class gets a peek into the past during an archaeological dig in a student's backyard. ...
  • Lesley Gregoricka获得富布赖特学者奖
    美国人类学教授. Lesley Gregoricka will travel to the United Arab Emirates to examine prehistoric human skeletons. ...
  • 墨西哥湾的大白鲨
    在墨西哥湾北部很少见到白鲨. 研究人员将她命名为帕拉小姐,以纪念十大彩票网投平台的吉祥物. ...
  • Jorjia爱尔摩
    Biology major Jorjia爱尔摩's research on venomous animals is leading her to medical school. ...
  • Twenty-four 十大彩票网投平台 seniors were inducted into the Jaguar Medallion Society on Tuesday, 4月23日.
    Twenty-four seniors were recognized for outstanding academic and leadership achievements, 服务和参与, 和美洲虎的骄傲. ...
  • Dr. 马修Pettway
    佩特威将作为富布赖特美国奖学金获得者进行教学和研究.S. 今年8月到12月在巴西学习. ...
  • 保罗阮, 十大彩票网投平台工程和音乐专业的学生, earned a 2024 Goldwater 学者hip based on his undergraduate research in protein biophysics.
    A 南 engineering and music student wins a Goldwater 学者hip for his science research, 同时也在卡内基音乐厅演出. ...
  • Riley Brenes stands in front of a mural that will be at this weekend’s Festival of Flowers in Cathedral Square. The mural was previously on display in the courtyard at Strickland Youth Center. It features a portrait of Sam Lackland, Mobile scenes and bright pink azaleas.
    斯特里克兰青年中心的青少年画的壁画, 并通过一个由南方毕业生领导的项目创建, 花节的特色是什么. 该活动支持美国保健普罗维登斯医院. ...
  • Dr. Clayton Maddox, assistant professor of music, in his office at the Laidlaw Performing Arts Center.
    Classical tuba lifted Clayton Maddox from poverty and led him to 南, 以及Alias Brass Company等乐团, 获得了格莱美奖的提名. ...
  • 美国假日音乐会图表
    南 celebrates its annual Holiday Concert featuring the theme "首页 for the Holidays." ...
  • Dr. 老爷Tran, 十大彩票网投平台生物学助理教授, 被判了40美元,000 grant by the USDA and the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries to study a soil-based bacterium causes wilt in crops such as tomatoes, 辣椒和土豆.
    Dr. 老爷Tran wins a USDA grant to study a soil-based pathogen that causes bacterial wilt in plants such as potatoes and tomatoes. ...
  • 有印刷版的先锋学生报, 从左, 布兰登·克拉克, managing editor; Stephanie Huynh, editor-in-chief; and Iman Thibodeaux, 作者的贡献.
    The Vanguard student newspaper bucks online publishing trend by adding its first print edition at 南 since 2019. ...
  • 南化学教授. 马修Reichert
    南's chemistry department partners with the Exploreum Science Center helping inspire young students to learn about chemistry. ...
  • 十大彩票网投平台 hosts more than 150 middle school kids for a STEM conference
    USA hosted more than 150 middle school students for a conference titled "GEMS: Go Explore Math and Science!" ...
  • 布丽安娜伯勒尔, 2023年阿拉巴马小姐, 美国总统乔·邦纳, 南Teninbaum, 阿拉巴马小姐奖学金组织的主席.
    布丽安娜伯勒尔, 阿拉巴马小姐2023年和2021年美国政治学毕业生, 收到了一场盛大的捷豹返乡庆典. ...
  • 第二届年度美国技术与研究展示会获奖者. Dr. Na Gong, professor of electrical and computer engineering; Dr. James Davis, professor of chemistry; Dr. Jordan Shropshire, professor of information systems and technology; 美国总统乔·邦纳; Dr. 肖恩权力, professor of marine and environmental sciences and senior marine scientists at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab; Dr. 玛丽·米高德,药理学和肿瘤学教授.
    Five 十大彩票网投平台 faculty members were honored at the 2nd Annual Technology and 研究 Showcase. ...
  • 本·雷恩斯在莫比尔-天锯三角洲
    Ben Raines分享了对Mobile-Tensaw Delta的热爱, “美国的亚马逊,,他是《十大彩票平台官网》杂志第一位环境研究员和常驻作家. ...
  • Dr. 杰斐逊考伊
    Dr. 杰佛逊·考伊将在晚上7点发表演讲.m. 星期三,10月. 25岁,在莱德劳表演艺术中心. 这个一年一度的活动是免费向公众开放的. ...
  • Dr. 乔纳森·佩雷斯
    Dr. 乔纳森·佩雷斯's research focuses on how the brains of songbirds use environmental information to time seasonal migration. ...
  • Indigenous potters from the Choctaw Nation in Oklahoma will demonstrate pot making with local sourced clays from the Mobile area October 3, 2023.
    The visit by members of Oklahoma's Choctaw Nation is part of a project led by USA associate professor Dr. 艾琳·纳尔逊. ...
  • Dr. 大卫Meola
    Dr. 大卫Meola, Fanny and Bert Meisler associate professor of history and Jewish studies has been invited to the White House. ...
  • Aerial shot of property donated to the 十大彩票网投平台 by the USA Foundation.
    The 十大彩票网投平台 Foundation has gifted more than a quarter mile of bayfront to the University, 为教学和研究开放更多的通道. ...
  • 新捷豹军乐队大楼, 如下图所示, 将建在汉考克惠特尼体育场的南侧.
    南 announces plans for a permanent home for the Jaguar Marching Band, 完成一个新的户外练习场地. The project, expected to be complete by 2026, will allow the band to grow membership. ...
  • Dr. 乔·柯里尔和博士. 菲利普·史密斯
    南's program earned the maximum 10-year reaccreditation from the American Psychological Association. ...
  • Barracoon: The Story of The Last Black Cargo,美国常读书籍
    十大彩票网投平台 Common Read book tells first-hand account of final American slave ship journey. ...